Access Hollywood guest correspondent and Peloton instructor Tunde Oyeneyin just got a special surprise! In an exclusive moment, Access helped her reunite with Mandy Bode, a New York City Marathon runner who helped her get to the finish line over the weekend. “You saved my life,” Tunde said to Mandy on Zoom. “I’ve watched that video at least 100 times and every single time I’ve watched that video I’ve just like bawled and cried. Girl, when I tell you I almost gave up at that last 800 meters and crawled my way to that finish and it was your uplifting words and encouragement that got me through the line, I am so grateful, thank you so much,” she added. Mandy shared some kinds words right back telling Tunde who much she has helped her though a difficult time.
Peloton’s Tunde Oyeneyin Surprised By Runner Who Helped Her Finish NYC Marathon
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