Jenna Ortega, acclaimed for her role in “Jane The Virgin,” has now become the face of Netflix’s “Wednesday,” perfectly embodying the enigmatic character of Wednesday Addams. Her magnetic portrayal caught the keen eye of Tim Burton, the show’s executive producer and director. Astonishingly, it took Ortega merely 20 minutes to captivate Burton, making him firmly believe that without her, the series would be “dead in the water.” While Ortega’s on-screen presence resonates with audiences, what’s intriguing is her initial reluctance to join the project. Fearing the commitment to another TV show might curb her blossoming big-screen opportunities, Ortega almost passed on the role. However, her alignment with the character, combined with her respect for Burton’s legendary status, changed her decision. Ortega’s portrayal of the first canonically Mexican-American Wednesday offers an authentic representation of the diverse real world, and with season 2 on the horizon for 2024, fans eagerly anticipate her continued evolution in the role.
It Took Jenna Ortega 20 Minutes To Get Wednesday Addams’ Role
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