Jada Pinkett Smith says Will Smith’s Oscars slap left her just as stunned and confused as many viewers were. The actress and author opened up about the infamous moment in an exclusive interview with “Today” host Hoda Kotb set to air on Oct. 13. Jada recalled how she reacted to Will striking presenter Chris Rock onstage in the middle of the 2022 Academy Awards after the comedian made a joke at Jada’s expense, and explained why she was caught especially off guard. “Now, first of all, I’m really shocked,” Jada said, “because mind you, I’m not there. We haven’t called each other husband and wife in a long time. I’m like, ‘What is going on right now?'” The mom of two previously revealed to Hoda that she and Will had separated in 2016 – a fact then-unknown to the public – and how his heated reaction, which included him telling Chris to “keep my wife’s name out your f***ing mouth” left her concerned for his well-being. “I’m really worried for Will because I don’t know what’s going on,” she recalled. Jada noted that Chris also apologized to her in the immediate aftermath but told Hoda why she wasn’t able to “take in” his words at the time.
Jada Pinkett Smith Details SHOCKED Reaction To Will Smith Oscars Slap
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