Ariana Madix and Pasha Pashkov chat with ET’s Denny Directo after ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Motown night, which aired Tuesday on ABC and Disney+. The partners react to performing in front of a member of The Supremes after dancing to their hit song, ‘You Can’t Hurry Love.’ Ariana also shares how she pushed through her pain for this week’s performance and reacts to getting a hug from judge Carrie Ann Inaba. Plus, she opens up about what it means to have her friends watching in support and making it to the top of the leaderboard, tying with Pasha’s wife, Daniella Karagach and her partner, Jason Mraz, with a score of 34.
DWTS: Ariana Madix SHOCKED After Finding Out She Danced In Front of Supremes Member (Exclusive)
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